We all want healthy natural hair but we know sometimes it is hard to keep up a regiment outside of hair appointments. Using the right protective measures will keep your hair strong and healthy. Here are a few natural hair care tips for you daily hair regimen:
- Always moisturize
Use a moisturizer that has water listed as its 1st or 2nd ingredient and make sure to seal in the moisture with shea butter or castor oil.
Do not wait until you come into the salon to deep condition your hair! Make sure to deep condition your hair every time to wash it. After deep conditioning it there are methods your can choose such as a
- Do not go overboard with different hair products
Less is more when it comes to using hair products. Save your coins and make sure to read the ingredients before you buy it.
Pro-tip: If you buy hair products from Sally’s Beauty Supply you can return them 30 days after using them. So you can return them if they don’t work for you!
- Hydrate and eat well
If you are not taking care of your body that will be reflected in your hair. Make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables and hydrate with water.
- Take a Break From Wash n Go’s
If this is a style that you wear often, I know this hurts to hear but take a break! This is a style where your ends are always exposed and it is impossible to moisturize every strand. You cannot see where your hair is breaking. Incorporate twist or other styles with more control that you can moisturize.
We hope that these simple tips can help you with your hair care regimen outside of the salon. Let us know if there are other hair care maintenance questions that you have!